4D Chart v13

Parameter Codes


4D Chart v13
Parameter Codes

Parameter Codes  



This section contains the codes for frequently used parameters of 4D Chart. These parameters are:

  • partType
  • partSpecifics
  • pattern
  • options

When you modify parts of a graph programmatically, such as the legend or one of the axes, you specify which part of the graph to modify using the partType and partSpecifics parameters.

Some of the major parts of a graph are labelled in the following illustration:

  • The following are the codes for the partType parameter:
    CodeGraph Part
    1Plot rectangle
    6Major gridlines
    7Minor gridlines
    9Value labels for series
  • The following are the codes for the partSpecifics parameter:
    Graph PartSpecific Part Code
    Plot rectangleFor 2D graphs: 0 = Entire rectangle,
    For 3D graphs: 1 = Back, 2 = Side, 3 = Bottom
    Legend0 = Legend rectangle
    Axis0 = Category, 1 = Series, 2 = Values
    Labels0 = Category, 1 = Series, 2 = Values
    Titles0 = Category, 1 = Series, 2 = Values
    Major gridlines0 = Category, 1 = Series, 2 = Values
    Minor gridlines0 = Category, 1 = Series, 2 = Values
    Series/Value labels(Series number * 100) + (Side number) for series
    Side numbers (for sides of series)0 = All sides (also use for all 2D graphs),1 = Front, 2 = Left, 3 = Right, 4 = Top, 5 = Bottom

Note: Series in 2D graphs have one side (Front); series in 3D graphs can display up to three sides at a time.

Following are the codes for the pattern parameter:

Following are the codes for the options parameter used in the CT GET CHART OPTIONS and CT SET CHART OPTIONS commands:

Graph TypeElement NumberCodes
Area1Orientation: 0 = Vertical, 1 = Horizontal
2Stacked: 0 = Normal, 1 = Stacked, 2 = Stacked Proportional
Column1Orientation: 0 = Vertical, 1 = Horizontal
2Stacked: 0 = Normal, 1 = Stacked, 2 = Stacked Proportional
3Overlap percent (0 through 100)
4Gap percent (0 through 100)
Line1Orientation: 0 = Vertical, 1 = Horizontal
2Stacked: 0 = Normal, 1 = Stacked, 2 = Stacked Proportional
3Controls display of squares on a 2D line: 0 = Invisible, 1 = Visible
Scatter1Orientation: 0 = Vertical, 1 = Horizontal
2Stacked: 0 = Normal, 1 = Stacked, 2 = Stacked Proportional
Pie1Start angle (0 through 360)
Picture1Orientation: 0 = Vertical, 1 = Horizontal
2Stacked: 0 = Normal, 1 = Stacked, 2 = Stacked Proportional
3Overlap percent (0 through 100)
4Gap percent (0 through 100)
5Horizontal alignment: 0 = Left, 1 = Center, 2 = Right
6Vertical alignment: 0 = Top, 1 = Center, 2 = Bottom
7Horizontal display: 0 = Clipped, 1 = Stretched, 2 = Stacked
8Vertical display: 0 = Clipped, 1 = Stretched, 2 = Stacked
XY Chart1Form of point: 0 = No point display, 1 = Circles, 2 = Squares, 3 = Stars
2Type of line: 0 = No lines, 1 = Straight lines, 2 = Arrow lines
3Display regression line: 0 = No, 1 = Yes
3D Column1Specify category percent as percent of: 0 = Width, 1 = Gap
2Specify series percent as percent of: 0 = Width, 1 = Gap
3Category percent (0 through 100)
4Series percent (0 through 100)
5Visible sides: 0 = All, 1 = Tops only
3D Line1Specify series percent as percent of: 0 = Width, 1 = Gap
2Series percent (0 through 100)
3D Area1Specify series percent as percent of: 0 = Width, 1 = Gap
2Series percent (0 through 100)
3D Surface1Visible sides: 0 = All, 1 = Tops only
3D Triangle1Flipped: 0 = False, 1 = True
2Plot zero values: 0 = False, 1 = True
3Specify series percent as percent of: 0 = Width, 1 = Gap
4Series percent (0 through 100)
3D Spike1Spike head: 0 = Oval, 1 = Square


Product: 4D Chart
Theme: Control Codes